[GM-apis] API/ABI changes analysis report
Andrey Ponomarenko
2017-02-07 08:46:57 UTC
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Bob Friesenhahn
2017-02-07 22:46:09 UTC
You can verify added, removed and changed API/ABI symbols with the help of this report. Hope it will be helpful for users and
maintainers of the library. It's updated regularly, so you can always refer to this page if you'd like to review backward
compatibility of the latest library versions.
It would be good to record the symbols which were removed. We don't
intend to have removed any public symbols in the C interface in the
1.3.X release series. Any C program linked with the initial 1.3
version should continue to run. There may be some exposed symbols
related to module registration functions which are removed if the
module is removed and also to the module loader itself.

The C++ interface has encountered a few minor ABI changes which might
not have impacted any actual code but we treat any ABI change as
significant. I see those reflected in your table as "changed SONAME".

I am assuming that the changes recorded for 1.3.17 are for private
symbols (module loader) related to this change:

" * Loading modules is only supported for the modules build.
Previously any build using shared libraries could load modules.

Thanks for maintaining this table.

Bob Friesenhahn
***@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer, http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/
2017-02-08 00:58:14 UTC
Post by Bob Friesenhahn
You can verify added, removed and changed API/ABI symbols with the help of this report. Hope it will be helpful for users and
maintainers of the library. It's updated regularly, so you can always refer to this page if you'd like to review backward
compatibility of the latest library versions.
It would be good to record the symbols which were removed.
Just click on the "n symbols removed" (you might have to do it twice)

to get a list.

Bob Friesenhahn
2017-02-08 03:23:40 UTC
Post by Bob Friesenhahn
It would be good to record the symbols which were removed.
Just click on the "n symbols removed" (you might have to do it twice)
to get a list.
Thanks. Some of the links are not marked as links.

The content is informative. Perhaps I was not aware of a couple of
the C++ ABI issues.

Bob Friesenhahn
***@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer, http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/